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A Handler and her dog

There's that moment in a dog's show career when you get this instinctive feeling that they've "arrived". Last weekend we had that moment with Lincoln. He's been consistent with the Best of Variety wins but we've been trying to break into the Hound Group wins with no luck. Typically a dog will land a group 4 or maybe even a group 3 as a start to his group wins. Well, little Lincoln and his lovely handler, Catlin Cahill just pulled off Lincoln's first group win and it was a group one. This is the kind of achievement we dream about, as it puts a Dachshund in consideration for Best in Show. What a proud moment for us in the sport of purebred dogs. Thank you Irina Romashova of Minidogland Kennels in Russia for breeding such a fine dog. We are proud and honored to have him here in the U.S. and proud to showcase your breeding. A big thanks to his lovely handler, Catlin Cahill who has Lincoln trained and conditioned to perfection, and always, thank you to co-owner Brenda Gardner who-owns Lincoln and is a great travel companion in this fantastic adventure.

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